Why open? About open

101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication

A resource by Bianca Kramer and Jeroen Bosman

101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication

Why open? About open

Ask Open Science

Ask any question about Open Science; particpate in discussion

Ask Open Science

Why open? About open

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)

A search engine specially for academic web resources. About 60% are OA.

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)

Why open? About open

Budapest Open Access Initiative

Recommendations to advance Open Access

Budapest Open Access Initiative

Why open? About open

Making Science Transparent by Default: Introducing...

Proposes that authors of all scientific articles disclose the availability and location of all research items, including data, materials, and code, related to their published articles as a 'TOP Statement'

Making Science Transparent by Default: Introducing...

Why open? About open

Open Access 2020

OA2020 is a global alliance committed to accelerating the transition to open access

Open Access 2020

Open Access Button

Open Research Glossary

Why open? About open

Open Science Manifesto

Towards an Inclusive Open Science for Social and Evironmental Well-being

Open Science Manifesto

Open Science: The Evolving Guide on How the Internet...

Open Science: one term, five schools of thought

Open science is a research accelerator

Why open? About open

Promoting an open research culture

A paper Nosek et. al. in Science, 2015

Promoting an open research culture

Why open? About open

Rainbow of Open Science Practices

Presentation of 17 open science practices throughout the whole research workflow, with tool examples by Kramer and Bosman

Rainbow of Open Science Practices

Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies

The Conundrum of Sharing Research Data

Why open? About open

When will open science become simply science

A paper by Watson in Genome Biology

When will open science become simply science

Google docs


Reproducible research and data analysis

Data Carpentry

Building communities teaching universal data literacy

Data Carpentry

Failure is moving science forward

Reproducible research and data analysis


Store, share, and discover, research outputs


Reproducible research and data analysis

Software carpentry

Teaching basic lab skills for research computing

Software carpentry

Creative Commons Licence Chooser

Open data


Home of US open data



Mendeley Data

Mozilla open data training


Open data

The FAIR Data Principles

Force11 - FAIR Data Principles - findable, interoperable, accessible, reusable

The FAIR Data Principles

Open data


Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. Wikidata acts as central storage for the structured data.


World Bank Open Data


H5P Technology


Open Refine

Project Jupyter

Python Software Foundation (PSF)


Open access to research papers

Australasian Open Access Strategy Group

Advocates for open access in Australasia

Australasian Open Access Strategy Group

Open access to research papers


The preprint server for biology


Open access to research papers


an aggregator of 125 million Open Access articles


Cofactor journal selector tool

Confederation of Open Access Repositories

Open access to research papers

Directory of Open Access Journals

A community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals

Directory of Open Access Journals

Open access to research papers


The preprint server for engineering


Gates Open Research

JISC Schema for Open Access Principles

Open Science Framework preprints

Open peer review: a randomised controlled trial

Open access to research papers

PhilSci Archive

an electronic archive specifically tailored to and run by philosophers of science

PhilSci Archive


Open access to research papers

Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) Journal

Research Ideas & Outcomes publishes multi-disciplinary research from across the research cycle. Emphasizing societal impact.

Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) Journal


Six Essential reads on peer review

Open access to research papers


Open archive of social sciences preprints


Social Science Research Network (SSRN)

Software citation principles

Open access to research papers

Think, Check, Submit

A tool to help you choose a good journal

Think, Check, Submit


Wellcome Open Research

Eigenfactor Project

Open evaluation

Github's Open Source Guide

Learn how to launch and grow your open source project

Github's Open Source Guide

Metrics toolkit

Publons Academy

Open Science MOOC

Open Science School

Advocating for open

Open Speakers Database

A crowdsourced database of regional experts on Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data

Open Speakers Database

Advocating for open

Why Open Research?

Advance your career by sharing your work

Why Open Research?

Women Working in Openness Database

XKCD's Up-Goer five text editor

Open Education Handbook

SPARC Open Education Sheet

Digital Object Identifier system

Connections, identifiers, and metadata

Metadata 2020

a collaboration that advocates richer, connected, and reusable, open metadata for all research outputs, which will advance scholarly pursuits for the benefit of society

Metadata 2020


Open Knowledge Maps

Connections, identifiers, and metadata

Open Science Framework (OSF)

A scholarly commons to connect the entire research cycle

Open Science Framework (OSF)